Forest Conservation Rwanda

Reforestation and education about forest conservation. It will include children and youth participation drives involving schools and colleges. The project will spread its cost-effective plan by establishing several nurseries in the region to serve local communities. Earth Keepers Centre of Kenya, will start 100 small, local nurseries and plant two million trees per year. We will help reforest Rwanda. (Smart by Nature: Nurseries of Excellence Project. Full detail available upon request.)

Integrated Watershed Management Project

soil conservation and restoration and climate change

The Regional Research Center For Integrated Development (RCID) proposes integrating agroforestry and soil fertility technologies for Improved Food Security for Smallholder Farmers in Flood and drought Prone Areas of Rwanda. Other partners include ICRAF, Rwanda Natural Resources management Authority (RNRA) and Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB). The work also will help minimize the footprint of agriculture on vanishing wildlife habitat. The Integrated project objective is a win-win strategy that is both adaptation and mitigation to climate change with respect to flooding, drought, food security and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

This project will lead to reductions and the protection of carbon reservoirs as part of the REDD+ agenda. The project forms part of the Rwanda Investment Plan for the Forest Investment Program.

The project activities including:

  1. Soil conservation using agroforestry species and fruit tree plantation,
  2. Restoration of degraded agricultural landscapes,
  3. Capacity building of communities on adaptation to climate change in agriculture,
  4. Protection of marshland and river banks; and
  5. Improvement of livelihoods and poverty reduction of communities.

The project will be implemented in two agro ecological zones focusing on Northern and Eastern province of Rwanda. The selected sites are located in four districts. Burera and Musanze in Northern of Rwanda which have a relief characterized by high mountains with very steep slopes that flow into valleys. We also will work in Nyagatare and Gatsibo districts located in the Eastern part of the country are characterized by a set of hills to the soft and middle slopes. The direct beneficiaries of this project will be supported with agroforestry species and Fruit tree plantation, equipment and inputs for the restoration of degraded agricultural landscapes and marshland and river banks and capacity building to communities to adaptation of climate change. We are estimate 17, 000 people with 55% women representing the direct beneficiaries of the project and indirectly benefit will be around 120,000 people (2% of the population of the 4 Districts).

sustainable agriculture Uganda

The agriculture sector in Rwanda is the greatest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (78%), followed by energy (17, 8%), industrial processes (3%), waste (0.9%) and land use and forestry (0.2%) sectors. Rwanda’s overall contribution to global GHG emissions is negative at 3534.6 Gg CO2e. Despite not contributing to climate change, Rwanda is already experiencing its adverse impacts. This project expected to protect soil with drought and flood and lands slide region for the landscapes of the four Districts. A total area of 240 hectares of agroforestry species and woodlots establishment in drought region, 360 hectares of landscape management agroforestry species for the protection of marshland and river banks and erosion control in flood and lands slides and 140 hectares of fruit trees for the malnutrition and 760 stakeholders trained on forest management and adaptation to climate change and increase income for vulnerable communities.

Budget and Timeline: This project will be implemented over two years with a total cost of USD $250,000. (Full Proposal Available Upon Request.)

reforestation and climate change solution

Sacred Seedlings is a global initiative to support forest conservationreforestationurban forestrycarbon capture, sustainable agriculture and wildlife conservation. Sustainable land management is critical to the survival of entire ecosystems. Sacred Seedlings is a charitable division of Crossbow Communications.